Refund Policy
Products/Services for TradingView
Since a 7 day trial is provided there is no Refund available for your first billed subscription. Refunds are available on auto-renewals of existing subscriptions if you cancel your subscription within 3 days of billing renewal date from www.tradethevolumewaves.com under “My Subscriptions” or contact us by email at info@tradethevolumewaves.com.
Clients who cancel a plan during the trial period can continue to enjoy plan benefits until the free trial ends.
Refund is not available at “one time payments” or “Lifetime” subscriptions.
Products for Metaquotes, Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C. products sold by Metaquotes (www.mql5.com) go under the Terms and Conditions, and Refund Policy of Metaquotes provided at the following link https://www.mql5.com/en/market/terms/customer and https://www.mql5.com/en/about/terms